Celebrating WELA Founder’s Elevation to Senior Advocate of Nigeria

Celebrating WELA Founder's Elevation to Senior Advocate of Nigeria

A proud moment for WELA and the fight for justice.

We are delighted to celebrate the conferment of Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN) upon our esteemed Founder and Chairperson, Mrs. Funmi Falana. This prestigious title, awarded on 27th November 2023, recognises her unwavering dedication to women’s and children’s rights, and her exceptional legal expertise.

Mrs. Falana’s journey to SAN is a testament to her resilience and relentless pursuit of justice. Her advocacy has shaped policies and strengthened the legal framework protecting the vulnerable. As a Senior Advocate, her expertise will further amplify WELA’s mission to empower women across Nigeria. This achievement is not just personal, it is a beacon of hope, inspiring every woman and girl who dreams of a just world. Mrs. Falana’s leadership, both timeless and inspiring, continues to pave the way for generations to come.

Congratulations, Funmi Falana SAN!

Funmi SAN
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